Projects I Completed

First Year Projects

Programming 2

For our first assignment we had to create a simulation of the classic video game Pong, using Visual Studio. The player controlled the left-hand paddle using the up and down arrow keys while the right-hand paddle was controlled by the computer. The code can be found here.

The second assignment was to recreate the classic arcade game Pac-Man. Again this was done in a Visual Studio window. Simple images were used to create the layout, Pac-Man and the ghosts. The player moved Pac-Man around the window using the arrow keys. The code can be found here.

Web 1

Our final assignment, a group project, was to create a website for a fictional company. We decided on a fictional art gallery in Rome, and we created a website for them using a pre-built Bootstrap template and components. The website can be found here.

Second Year Projects

Programming 3

An assignment involved collecting a set of data. We then had to create a program that would read in that data and create graphs using it. The code can be found here.

Embedded Systems

Our assignment was to create a wearable product using an Arduino. My project was inspired by my mother who likes to go for walks down a certain track but can’t hear cyclists coming up behind her. The hat had an Arduino Lilypad stitched to the side with an ultrasonic sensor equipped. When a signal was detected the hat activated a buzzer to warn the person that someone was behind them. You can see more here.

Programming 4

The first part of Programming 4 focused on game development. This culminated in the creation of a roguelike dungeon crawling game. The code can be found here.

Web 2

I created a website for people to track their exercise. New users could register and login to the site and then go to a form to input their exercise data. The website was also able to produce a graph and allow the user to compare their exercise to another user. The code can be found here.

Third Year

Project 1

Third year students at Otago Polytechnic are required to complete a major project. We had a choice of several different projects and I chose the “BIT Platform”. This project, focused on systems administration, involved maintaining and improving a set of applications used by staff and students in the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program. At the outset we had a Git server (GitLab), and an instant message application (Mattermost). You can read more on my role in the project here.

Project 2

The second semester of the project started with several new people coming on board. I assisted in the transition as I was the only member of the team from semester 1 still completing the project on site. We had convinced the majority of the BIT lecturers to switch to GitLab for version control so keeping that running and up to date was a priority. You can read more about my contribution to the project here.