My name is Michael Inglis and I’m a graduate from Otago Polytechnic with a Bachelor of Information Technology.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Culture and a Diploma of Language in French. I spent two years living in Malaysia where I did some work as a research assistant and then taught English at a private language centre.

Upon returning to New Zealand from Malaysia, I enrolled in Victoria University of Wellington’s Information Studies programme, which focuses on library and archival studies. I graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Information Studies in 2011.

I completed a Bachelor of Information Technology at Otago Polytechnic in 2017. I have completed papers in a variety of areas including programming, web development, networking and systems administration.

After finishing my degree, I worked as a software developer intern at Energy Link Limited in Dunedin, New Zealand. My role involved monitoring and maintaining automated download processes, developing new software products and improving existing software products. We used C#, Microsoft SQL Server and also two programming languages developed in-house. Due to external factors, Energy Link is downsizing and my employment finished at the end of January 2019.

You can read about the papers I took during my degree and some of the projects I completed during my time at Otago Polytechnic.

See my LinkedIn profile.